Complexity and story points

Story points as a measure of effort

In agile methodologies, the story point is used as a way to estimate the effort  it would take to complete a piece of work. The inputs to estimate story points are the complexity of the task and the amount of times that the task must be executed. 

During agile rituals (sometimes called meetings), the number of story points for a task is estimated by all the members of an agile team. The value of this estimation process is two fold. 

Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

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Three steps to getting user stories right

The user story is a great way to put yourself in the “user” seat and do a reality check for whether what you are planning to build is something the “user” really needs or wants. The user story formula goes

As a [user description]
I [want, need, wish] to [some goal]
so that [some benefit].

Though this formula appears simple, I often see it applied in the wrong way.

Post its on the wall.

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